Workplace Learning
What is Workplace Learning?

Workplace Learning (Work Experience) is designed for students who undertake a work placement program at a worksite:

  • without the direct supervision of a teacher.
  • who are 15 years or older.
  • as part of their formal education in which their role is that of a learner, not a paid worker.
  • through a formal arrangement between parents/caregivers, the student, the school and the work placement provider.

Workplace learning does not apply to activities:

  • under a Training Contract (eg, a school‐based apprentice).
  • involving any payment or gift for work completed.
  • incorporating any job trial.
  • involving students undertaking school activities off campus, such as;
    • community‐based activities, including community service workplace visits.
    • activities not part of a work placement program, including research investigations, interviews and surveys. Schools wishing to undertake these activities should refer to their camps and excursions policies.
Workplace Learning WorkPRO Online
  1. Click Here to access PLINK.
  2. Click Non Department sign-up.
  3. Click Create a plink account.
  4. Ensure Select account type* is set to 8 - WorkPRO (students) and enter your LearnLink email address, set a password, and enter your first and last name, before accepting the Terms of Use.

  5. Click Create a plink account (for non-Department for Education staff) to complete the registration.
  6. Once logged in, select WorkPRO: Work Preparation Readiness Orientation.
  7. Click Register.
  8. Enter your Date of Birth, select your Year Level and Mount Gambier High School from the list of schools.

  9. Click Register to finalise the registration. You are now registered and ready to complete the WorkPRO training.
Finalise your Workplace Learning

Use the below checklist to ensure have finalised your Workplace Learning.


You have completed 0 / 6 steps!


Interstate Work Placement

If interstate placements are necessary, check for additional requirements in the target state. The principal must approve all interstate work placements.
If applicable, complete the Accommodation Away from Home Form. This form must be signed by the Principal.

Frequently Asked Questions for Work Experience during PLP

Week 5, Term 3. However, if that is inconvenient, students may negotiate an alternative time.

No. Government regulations prevent payment in South Australia.

Phone or write to potential employers, talk to previous students, look in the Yellow Pages, discuss with parents/caregivers.

Keep trying. That is why you should start your organisation early. The earlier you start, the more chance you have of getting your preferred placement.

Get a Work Experience agreement form (distributed via Home Group) and arrange for it to be filled out.

No, but for convenience reasons, most do. You may go to Adelaide, or anywhere else in South Australia for that matter, but transport and accommodation are your responsibility. Additional paper work is also required.

You can go anywhere really but you are encouraged not to work in a family business or where another member of your family works. You are not allowed to be involved in door-to-door selling or deliveries. You are not allowed to be involved in erection, alteration or demolition of buildings more than 10 metres high.

Yes. Most people’s major reason for having a part-time job is to earn money. It is rare for students to want to make a career of their part-time job. One of the major purposes of Work Experience is to explore possible career options.

That you arrive on time, every day, dressed appropriately (If you are not sure what is appropriate, ask). That you listen to what you are told, take an interest and follow reasonable instructions. That you ask when unsure and try to find out as much as you can about the career options and the work environment.

That is not necessarily a bad thing. At least you will have an idea that it is not the career for you. Try something different next year. Do not make your dislike/boredom etc. obvious.

Yes, and that is a reason why you should do your best even if you find you do not like the work. All employers are expected to fill out an evaluation form on students. They may discuss it with you or send it directly to the school. I keep a copy for future reference and you get the original to use as you see fit. (Résumé, portfolio, job application, etc).

Yes, you may do up to two weeks per term (You need a different form for each placement). Remember that unless you do extra Work Experience in holidays you will be missing school. Can you afford to do that?