Flexible Industry Pathways
What are Flexible Industry Pathways?

Flexible Industry Pathways (FIP) are a new way of approaching the delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools. Flexible Industry Pathways are designed to prepare students for the world of work as well as meeting industry and employer’s needs.

Flexible Industry Pathway programs have been designed in consultation with industry and are aimed at equipping students with the skills, knowledge and qualifications to enter into employment or further study in the industry. Flexible Industry Pathways provide students with a clearly articulated pathway through secondary school to employment, or further education in key growth industries across South Australia.

Depending on the needs of employers, FIPs include VET qualifications at Certificate I, II and III level’s that industry considers suitable for school students. They also include employability skills training delivered through SACE curriculum, and any specific industry requirements linked to the pathway.

FIPs can include multiple options depending on the student, their entry level, overall program of study and the industry requirements. Students will undertake competencies from national training packages which have been nominated by industry to support relevancy and access to future employment opportunities as well as contextualised SACE curriculum. Students may choose to complete their Research project as part of the pathway program. Students will participate in a range of Industry Immersion experiences and hands on learning opportunities.

Students will be supported to identify an appropriate Flexible Industry Pathway suited to their interests and strengths through quality career education and industry & employer immersion opportunities.

Flexible Industry Pathways will be developed and introduced in the following areas:

  • Primary Industries & Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Health & Community Services
  • Tourism, Event Management & Hospitality
  • Automotive
  • Building & Construction
  • Engineering & Civil
  • Education, Early Childhood and Child Care
Expression of Interest for Flexible Industry Pathways 2022
  1. Ensure you registered and have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Do not proceed unless you have a USI.
    Click Here to register for a USI if you do not have one.

    Click Here for a step-by-step guide on creating a USI.

  2. Click Here to complete the Flexible Industry Pathways Expression of Interest Form.

  3. Your expression of interest will be received by the Flexible Industry Pathways Co-ordinator.
    • If any further information is required, you will be contacted directly.
    • If your expression of interest is successful you will be provided with further registration/application forms.
Flexible Learning Pathways Documents

Click the buttons below to access further information regarding Flexible Industry Pathways available in the region.